If you think that we are living in a crazy period of world history and would leave a comment, you're welcome.

World News

venerdì 31 ottobre 2008

Is Italy crazy? Yes

I can't belive. I don't write anything in my blog since one month and in Italy
everything happens.

Alitalia is bankrupt. Licio Gelli, italian misterious Cia-long hand, starts a TV show on italian history and say that his old member, Berlusconi, will complete his program to "renew" italian democracy.

What the hell, students are protesting against Education reform, finally a change in Italy seems possible.

Yes, we can send berlusconi to pension.

mercoledì 1 ottobre 2008

Italy and Spain, transparency ranking

"L'Italia è un bel Paese, ma ancora non ho trovato un motivo per restare"

See the world ranking on transparency, a corruption indicator:


1 Finland

23 Spain

45 Italy

Italy is less corrupted than Belize or Cuba but one of the coutries of western europe more corrupted.

Spain, very similar to Italy, is 22 positions upper. Government should stop thinking about immigrants and fight seriously mafia, the first multinational company in Italy, from the north to the south.

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