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World News

mercoledì 24 settembre 2008

Gheddafi's point of view: The Green Book (Libro Verde)

Gheddafi is an interesting leader. You can see him as a dictator, an alternative leader, a marketing product for arab countries, or you can love him.

(This car was a great Gheddafi invention to celebrate 30 years of revolution, I'm sure everyone in Libia can buy it)

I read "The green book" and i like some parts of his view of the society.
For example Gheddafi wrote in the seventies that people that don't own an house, are not free. I agree with him. We are all slave of a debt with our bank to buy an house.
Gheddafi has a camping tend, that could be an option.

Please read and comment this from the Green Book:


The question that arises is: who preserves the society from any deviation from the law? Democratically, there is no group whatever that can claim the right of representative supervision over the society. 'Society is its own supervisor.' Any pretension by any individual or group that it is responsible for law is dictatorship."


La domanda è: una volta che si verifica una deviazione della legge, chi controllerà la società per avvisarla di tale deviazione? Democraticamente nessuna parte può, in nome della società, pretendere il diritto di controllo. Ciò significa che spetta alla società di controllare se stessa. E’ una dittatura la pretesa di una qualsiasi parte, sia essa un individuo o un gruppo di individui, di essere responsabile della legge, perché democrazia significa responsabilità della società intera e, pertanto, il diritto di controllo spetta a tutta la società.

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